Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Chinese Swimming Team Win Dominates Sports Headline

Chinese Swimming Team
The internet world exploded with mostly joy last 5 August after Chinese swimmers ended the United States’ decades-long reign in the men’s 4x100 meters medley at the Olympics. This is considered as a sweet and spectacular win for a Chinese team that has faced intense scrutiny in the wake of a doping controversy.

Pan Zhanle, who set the world record in the 100m freestyle last week, powered China from third position into the lead in the final leg of the relay last 4 August, overtaking his American and French rivals in a stunning reversal.

Pan finished in 45.92 seconds, faster than the 46.40 seconds he swam four days earlier in the 100m final.

Team USA finished 0.55 seconds behind the Chinese team, failing to take gold in the event for the first time since the US boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics and ending its unbeaten streak stretching back to the men’s medley debut at the 1960 Games.

This is China’s second gold in swimming at the Paris Olympics, following Pan’s record-setting win a few days ago.

Back in China, state media and internet users have rallied against the doping accusations.

"According to the logic of some in the West, when European and American athletes break records, it is seen as a breakthrough for ‘human potential,’ but when Chinese athletes set records, it is labeled as ‘humanly impossible.’ Isn’t this absurd double standard a blatant form of racism?” the Global Times, a state-run tabloid, said in an English-language editorial.

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