Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Game Director's Advice on RPG Specialization

Fallout: Las Vegas
If you are a gamer who wants to ensure that your character-building choices feel worthwhile in an RPG, what should you do first? Josh Sawyer, seasoned RPG designer and studio design director at Obsidian, says that—like weapon tuning—it's a vibes-based art, but great documentation and a good dataset certainly don't hurt.

In a recent YouTube video, Sawyer said it's important to make skill selections matter as soon as possible. If something's going to be part of gameplay, he said, it should be present and visible almost immediately. To illustrate, Sawyer called out Good Springs, the starting town in "Fallout: New Vegas", which Obsidian designed so that every skill a player might tag as a specialty during character creation had a potential use case during the introductory quests and initial exploration.

The goal in frontloading a variety of skill checks is communicating to the player that "we're paying attention to the character that you made and we're going to give you rewards for that," Sawyer said. Finding some locked containers with bullets inside reassures you that your early decision to drop points in lockpicking won't be a bad investment as you're scrounging for wasteland salvage later on.

That always-equal skill representation isn't as integral for designing the game's later content, Sawyer said, but he noted that early intention-setting is just as important for the developers themselves. In addition to providing a framework for implementation, asking a quest or area's designer early on what skills the player will be able to use for problem-solving helps design leads in assessing overall skill check distribution.

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