Monday, August 12, 2024

Raygun's Kangaroo Hops Wins Many Hearts

Breakdancing, or "Breaking" as it's known in the community, debuted at the Olympic games recently. Vewers certainly vibed with the personalities who showed up, even if the formal setting robbed the art form of its street-cool factor.

One athlete has gone super viral, and that athlete is an Australian who goes by the name Raygun. She is a 36-year-old full-time professor.

According to NBC, she has a PhD in cultural studies and teaches about breaking, hip-hop culture, and gender studies related to these specific dances. Unfortunately, she lost all of her matches, but it appears she's destined to be another Turkish shooting guy or Steve.

Along with her unusual academic credits, Gunn stands out as 20 years the senior of Australia’s competitor in the men’s tournament — she and 16-year-old Jeff "J-Attack" Dunne both won the Oceania breaking championships to qualify for the Olympics.

She also got into breaking later in life than most who pursue it seriously, entering her first ever battle in 2012. But perhaps most of all, Gunn, uh, breaks the mold of this dance genre with creative choices that left spectators stunned.

As she went up against rivals representing Lithuania, France, and the U.S., social media was abuzz about Raygun’s signature kangaroo hops, flabbergasting floor work, and charmingly corny poses. Through the entire set, and despite losing each round, her swagger held firm.

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