Tuesday, September 17, 2024

No Nude Mods For FF16 On PC? Not Gonna Happen

Final Fantasy 16
On 17 September, the much-antcipated PS5-exclusive RPG Final Fantasy 16 finally arrives on PC. As usual, code specialists will have a good time modifying the game and earning from the mods and tweaks that they made on the content.

The creators and producers know that they cannot stop these changes, but they have only one request to all modders: don't include any naughty stuff.

Final Fantasy 16 is Square Enix’s latest entry of its award-winning RPG franchise. It arrived on PlayStation 5 in June 2023 to mostly positive reviews.

However, some were critical on the way the game handled heavy topics like slavery and for some felt like a superficial entry in the series. Perhaps, though, the biggest FF16 complaint is a lack of nudity. Well, modders will soon be able to remedy that issue, but don’t tell the game’s producer Naoki Yoshida.

While talking to PC Gamer about the upcoming FF16 PC port, Yoshida was asked what mods the producer would want to see the community create. Instead of saying what he wanted, he pleaded with modders and fans to not be "inappropriate."

"If we said 'It'd be great if someone made XYZ,' it might come across as a request, so I'll avoid mentioning any specifics here," Yoshida told PC Gamer.

"The only thing I will say is that we definitely don’t want to say anything offensive or inappropriate, so please don’t make or install anything like that."

However, Yoshida didn’t elaborate further to PC Gamer on what kind of mods would be "offensive" or "inappropriate".

So, go ahead and make your naked Clive mods, or add a sexy and weird Star Wars alien to FF16 on PC. After you buy the game, you own it and you can do whatever you want with it.

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