Thursday, August 15, 2024

Running From The Police Is Never A Good Idea

Car Crash
Running from the police and leading to a car chase will have tons of consequences. First, never run from Arkansas or Georgia troopers because they will PIT you into submission. Two, if you do run from them, absolutely wear your seatbelt.

Aimee Youmans Padgett, 49, didn’t follow either rule and paid the ultimate price. Her life.

Prior to the Georgia trooper jumping into the chase, a Chatham County officer tried pulling over the same Nissan Murano. Instead of pulling over, the suspect fled, eventually driving down a private driveway, through a back yard, and then onto another road. That’s when the call for assistance went out.

It just so happens the GSP unit that was closest was being driven by a cadet getting trained, so we get to hear the trooper coaching him through the pursuit. For a rookie he does pretty well, chasing down the Nissan Murano that was going the opposite direction with relative ease.

However, nothing prepared us for the part in the video when the cadet PITs the Murano. It had a plastic sheet taped up over where the rear window was, which could be a sign of a vehicle that’s been stolen or just someone who didn’t have the cash to replace it. But that was the only "off" thing other than the driver fleeing.

As the Murano hits the center divider it tips over (crossovers tend to do this – so why do people like them so much?) and all kinds of stuff starts spraying out of the windows. We’re talking a clothes hanger, clothing, the spare tire, and the driver, who is not wearing a seatbelt.

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