Monday, July 24, 2017

Trans Want Straight People To Lose Their Rights

Trannie in the U.S. are campaigning very hard to ensure that straight people lose their right to use the restroom, shower facility or locker room that their BIOLOGY conforms to. Those places, under US PRIVACY PROTECTION LAWS, have ALWAYS been segregated, legally, by SEX and BIOLOGY, and not by"feelings" and "perceptions".

There was no such thing as "transgender" until 1965, when the term was created by a psychologist (not a real science - it is a pseudo-science), which was not and is not supported by any real, verifiable and repeatable scientific evidence. It is a MENTAL DISEASE called "Gender Dysphoria" and requires treatement, not encouragment. Pretty much the same as the anorexic or the person who believes thay are Abe Lincoln or the Queen of England. A mental delusion, nothing more.

The rights of the straight individual to use a restroom, shower or locker room END when a gender of opposite tramples the LEGALLY PROTECTED PRIVACY RIGHTS of 99%+ or the population. That is a legal fact.

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