Thursday, September 20, 2012

Awesome Star Wars Anime

Star Wars Anime
Since the '70s, the Star Wars movie has fascinated millions of people worldwide. Hence, it is not surprising to hear stories of Force-welding graphic artists creating their own kind of tribute to a science-fiction classic that has captured the heart and mind of most movie goers.

One such amazing artist is animator Paul Michael Johnson who goes by the handle Otaking77077 online. The animator has just posted his anime work on the web and is getting praises from everyone who viewed it. The sound effects and music were added by the YouTube uploaded, JPL4185, and its causing a ruckus that travels faster than light speed.

I'm not sure if the fact that it is just an instalment makes it awesome or it is because only one guy put it together, including the utmost attention to details. If I were George Lucas, I’ll give this guy a job to do what he does best and entertain us viewers with a full-blown Star Wars anime series on television.

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