Sunday, March 20, 2016

The A4 Waistline Challenge is Trending

A4 Challenge
Fat is not attractive, but this is. This is what the recent series of memes wanted to emphasize to all thus plus-size women who thought they are palatable in the eyes of men.

In recent months, everyone saw how thigh gaps, belly buttons and pens under their boobs, have highlighted what is the ideal body that men are looking from women. Now, it has gone one step further to pressure fat women to lose weight and prove that they have tiny midriffs with the "A4 waist challenge."

For the challenge, women are required to take photos of themselves with a piece of A4 printer paper in front of their waists.

The width of an A4 paper is eight inches, and women are trying to prove that their waistlines are narrower than that.

The A4 waist challenge started in China around February and has seen hordes of Chinese women taking to their Weibo accounts to show off their trim waistlines.

Since the challenge took off, Weibo now has millions of photos with the hashtag #A4waist. It was only a matter of time before this challenge influenced women in other parts of Asia to take part in it too and put all those fat women in place.

This is definitely better than having overweight people arguing about their self confidence and wearing super tight clothes on fat bodies.

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