Tuesday, August 15, 2017

What is "Love Bombing"

Love Bombing
After ghosting and then benching, another brutal dating trend has been observed lately.

Love bombing is a seductive tactic, where a manipulative person tries to control another individual with "bombs," brimming from day one.

According to psychiatrist Dale Archer, typically it will occur in whirlwind romances where one partner will try to influence a person with affection, attention, presents, and promises about the future.

Things progress quickly and the rush of a new romance can often be powerful for victims, pushing aside any feelings of doubt and causing high levels of infatuation.

This leaves little room for the victim to assess if they are being manipulated or to see if the other person is genuine – particularly if contact is fairly constant, either over calls or through texts.

The move sees victims become co-dependent on the predator, who is often a narcissist or sociopath.

The "honeymoon" feeling doesn’t last and as soon as victims show a small hint of not caring or prioritizing their partner, the predator will often reveal their true colors.

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