Monday, May 25, 2015

Identity of Female Thor Revealed

Female Thor
After seven issues of the losing sales, Marvel is finally ready to reveal the identity of the masked Goddess of Thunder, the woman who picked up Thor's hammer from the moon after the original Thor, Odinson, was no longer worthy to do so.

At the end of Issue 8, Odinson pleads with the strange woman who has replaced him to take her mask off and reveal herself. She refuses and departs into the sky.

"This world needs a Thor," she says. "A god who loves the Earth enough to die for it."

In what can only be described as a boring display, the Goddess of Thunder's persona dissipates, unveiling the truth ... (Spoiler Alert)

Where the great warrior once stood, now stumbles a sickly woman dressed in a hospital gown, her hair gone due to cancer treatment. She takes a stance against her illness and says, "I am Dr. Jane Foster. And I will not stop being the mighty Thor. Even though it is killing me."

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